While in Eldorado don't miss your chance to visit the Historic Eldorado Woolen Mill as well as the Old Jail, Museum and Main Street.
Through a partnership, the THC has re-implemented the Texas Travel Trails Program in conjunction with the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Commission on the Arts, and Texas Economic Development. The system is comprised of 10 travel trails across the state, of which the THC plans to re-introduce each. The Texas Forts Trails is a pilot project for the whole trails program.
Questions and concerns should be directed to the San Angelo Convention and Visitors Bureau (800-375-1206) or the Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau (800-727-7704) or visit the Texas Forts Trail web site at: http://texasfortstrail.com or the Texas Historical Commission web site at: http://www.thc.state.tx.us